Saturday, December 5, 2020

It's December, Right?


It was Fall for a hot minute here, and as per our usual; we missed the exact right moment to drive north to see the colors.  I'm happy that I usually see all the glory right here in my backyard, but Arkansas does put on quite a leaf-peeping show up in the Ozarks.  

Katie would like for everyone to know that she is about sick of me.  Too much human for her these days.  In this shot she is rolling her eyes at me.  "Can't you please find something else to do besides taking pics of me?" 

  The virus has touched us all in so many ways.  I have two front line health care workers that are dealing with it daily, and a grandchild who has had it.  Leaving you all with heart felt wishes for a safe, healthy, and happy December, and hopefully a better 2021 to come. 

sharing with James and Eileen


eileeninmd said...

You do have a beautiful view there, the trees are lovely. Cute kitty photo! I love the heart, I am thankful for all the healthcare workers. They are risking their own health to take care of others. Happy December to you! Be safe, stay safe! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

Elephant's Child said...

Love your images and am so sorry to read that Covid has touched your life so closely. I hope that your grandchild and health care workers recover completely and quickly.
I think all of us are hoping to put this year in the rear view mirror.
Thank you for those beautiful wishes - which are reciprocated.

Arkansas Patti said...

Had to smile at Katie. Minnie recently told me in no uncertain terms and very loudly that it would help us both if I left her to her own devices for a while. I did and she recovered nicely. Think it is a cat thing.
Stay safe and well.

Debbie said...

how can it be december?? our autumn only lasted a day or two, then poof, it was gone!! poor katie, probably use to having the house all to herself, she is adorable!!

bless your front line workers, they really are the heroes!!

Nancy J said...

Your Autumn colours look wonderful to me, where we live we don't get such deep reds and oranges, they are all a very long way further south.And Katie, you would be my choice for today, we are hoping that NZ will stay safe, all people coming in have to go into isolation, if positive, go into quarantine. I sincerely hope all your family will recover, stay healthy, and you can enjoy a Christmas, maybe like n o other, but with love spanning the miles and oceans, we can all have that feeling that is with us always.XXX

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see this post from you.
Very nice photographs.

Happy December Wishes.

All the best Jan

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I am so happy to hear from you and see your beautiful photos. I hope and pray you stay healthy. It has been such a difficult year for us all. Take care!

Nancy J said...

I left a comment, not sure where it went. Love those Autumn colours, down here they are deeper way down in the far south. Katie, you would be my pick every day of the week. I hope your family specially the little ones stay safe and you all stay well.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Tell your precious Kitty that my precious dog is thinking the exact same thing because we're here all the time both daddy and mommy and bow and all I do is falling around with my cell phone snapping pictures and I do hope that it is December because I posted my Santa self today haha. This virus pandemic is absolutely the most frightening thing I've ever been through in my whole entire life my husband and I are both at 76 and 84 years of age Prime targets for it and we are staying home and wearing masks and doing what we should and hoping that we will not catch this hard disease

Kelly said...

Always sad to know how folks have had to deal personally with this virus.

Lovely photos you've shared, though. Katie is a cutie.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Lovely scenes. Wishing you all the best for this december and Christmas season.

L. D. said...

I can see a cat wishing she had more space. Take care.

Rain said...

Ha ha ha! My cats give me that same look! :)

Farm Girl said...

Lovely pictures and cute kitties. I hope your December gets better.

Yvonne said...

I'm so sorry your grandchild has been sick. You may have missed the peak moment of seeing fall colors, but your autumn photo is beautiful, and the rock heart is precious. Take care, and may the holiday bring you a bit of peace and comfort.

Red Rose Alley said...

Terri, I am deeply sorry that your Grandchild got the virus. I hope your Grandchild is doing Ok, and heals quickly from it. This is such a troublesome time, but seeing your Autumn colors are a sight to me. Katie is so cute and she must be a loyal companion right now. Love that heart-shaped rock, and that first photo is beautiful. Enjoy the Christmas season, Terri.


Red Rose Alley said...

Terri, I am deeply sorry that your Grandchild got the virus. I hope your Grandchild is doing Ok, and heals quickly from it. This is such a troublesome time, but seeing your Autumn colors are a sight to me. Katie is so cute and she must be a loyal companion right now. Love that heart-shaped rock, and that first photo is beautiful. Enjoy the Christmas season, Terri.


Red Rose Alley said...

I sent a comment earlier, but don't think it went through. Terri, I'm so sorry that your grandchild had the virus, that's terrible. The picture of the Fall trees is beautiful. And I love that heart-shaped rock. Katie is soooo precious and cute. I hope your grandchild is feeling better. Merry Christmas Terri. And may peace and joy be with you this season.


Far Side of Fifty said...

What a nice find with the heart! Hope you are well as you have not blogged in a long time:)