Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tuesday 4

I'm declaring summer is over. 
Bring it, Fall! 

Questions from Tuesday 4
Let's talk about...Music

1. Can you name songs that remind you of autumn , spring, winter or summer?
2.Do you like background music when eating or shopping? Do you play background music at home? 
  • I like to hear certain background music when I am shopping , but ixnay on the "elevator" tunes, please.  No, I don't listen to background music at home, but I do listen to podcasts and music playlists while I walk or work outside. 
3.Christmas music begins playing some places as early as November just before Thanksgiving. Do you have a favorite Christmas song? If not, how about any seasonal song that you love?
  • My favorite Christmas tunes are sung by Gene Autry, Nat King Cole, Burl Ives...all the great classic ones.
4. Songs bring back memories. Would you share a song that triggers memories, good or bad, for you?
  • Carry on my Wayward Son & Stairway to Heaven are two that I always feel nostalgic when I hear either. A couple  of my favorites from the 70's.
Just something a little different today,
sharing with Anne


Elephant's Child said...

We have moved into Spring and I am dreading Summer.
Having discovered 'autistic hour' (a dreadful name but that is what it is called) at our local grocery we go then. NO music, and dimmed lights. It is wonderful.
Enjoy your fall. I am not ready to even think about Christmas yet.

eileeninmd said...


Love the fall decorations, very pretty! I like the classic Christmas songs too. Take care, enjoy your day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Here in Florida we are waiting for summer to end it feels like it will never end the hottest one in the 36 years I've lived here. I don't play background music I like complete quiet when I'm working and like I'm sitting here right now reading blogs and I don't want any music in the background and I don't like shopping with music in the background or eating in restaurants with music in the background. Or talkin over a radio in the car. When I was young and raising my children I used to play really loud music while I was doing my housework I've changed a lot

Hootin Anni said...

The summer song for me would be HOT TOWN, SUMMER IN THE CITY...for Fall, it'd have to be AUTMN LEAVES by Roger Williams (Piano). Christmas favorite has always been I'll Be Home For Christmas (it's a tear-jerker, personally). Spring song? Dunno...maybe Easter Parade?

Great answers for your play along.

Arkansas Patti said...

Good questions. Ask me when this current situation is over and I will probably say ONE DAY AT A TIME got me through. It never fails to give me hope and strength.

Chatty Crone said...

It is so funny how wonderful different people are. I love fall and winter. I like the music on or sound on when I do work. I think music makes the world go round!

Annie said...

Summer here in NJ was perfect this year, not too hot, not too cold and never very humid most days. I hope fall and winter will be just as perfect!
Thank you so much for joining in :)

Susan said...

I love your fall decoration and I have that same 3 tier metal container. You have inspired me!

Stacy said...

I like your decoration in the header. I have a 2-tier stand that I decorate for the seasons. I am not overly fond of the fall look...I don't have enough little treasures to tuck in just yet so it's lots of fill-in with pumpkins and mums. I was just singing (loudly and badly) along to Carry On My Wayward Son in the car on Sunday. Enjoyed your answers. Have a great week!

Kelly said...

Even though we've had worse summers (weather-wise), I'm ready for fall. I'm with you.... bring it on!

As for question #4, I'd be hard put to name a song that didn't hold some memory for me. Music has always been a major factor in my life.

Lori said...

The Hey Song!!! YES! You are so right. Great answer! Loved your answers! Have a great week!


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

A pretty fall decoration Terri. Love all kinds of music but not too loud in shops and certainly not loud in cafes but I do like it quite loud when I am in my car alone. Have a good weekend and thanks for comments you leave.

Debbie said...

1. harvest moon...the boys of summer
2. we do not play background music at home. i don't really like it when eating out, it makes it harder to talk.
3. have yourself a merry little christmas...it's the most wonderful time of year!!
4. color my world, our wedding song...i'd really love to see you tonight, our song!!!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I'm lovin' all your red Fall stuff. Burl Ives music is my all-time favorite Christmas music.

I hope you have wonderful September days, Terri.


Farm Girl said...

How fun and to thing about something easy like songs.
I really like your fall decorations. I am so ready for summer to be over.
I hope you get to have some much cooler days now.

DeniseinVA said...

Love this Fall picture and enjoyed your post.

Lowcarb team member said...

I do like your fall decoration.
Autumn/Fall is such a great season.

All the best Jan