Friday, January 24, 2020

Foto Friday 4

Dakota and his reflection

It's hard to believe this old guy is turning 30 this year. 
Where has the time gone? Horses are the real life-long deal. I would love to have another horse, but I am afraid it would outlive us. 
Overheard twice in the last two weeks while grocery shopping- "can't afford to pay for this medicine".... 
it's a big issue, and it worries me a great deal with retirement coming soon for us. 
I haven't lost any more weight lately, but what little I did lose seems to be what was once my heat regulator.  I now seek out warm socks at night and sweaters during the day.  I'm not sure I like this colder version of me. 
If you haven't seen it already, check out the Disney  movie- "Togo"  It was a good one, and based on a true story. 
Have a great weekend! 

Sharing randoms & reflection with Tom & James 


Elephant's Child said...

Love that reflection shot.
Sigh on the cost of medication. Big, big sigh.

L. D. said...

He is a wonderful horse. His color is so rich. Your photo is the best.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Lovely picture. I have not even lost weight, but the older I get the more I am cold almost constantly .

Kelly said...

Beautiful shot! I've never been around horses much and it amazes me how long they can live!

Chatty Crone said...

I understand retirement and it's cost. We were talking about it today.
I have been watching Dr. Pol and am finding out all about horses- they are big - but they are delicate too - especially to heat and cold.

Nancy J said...

For life, any horse, dog or cat. They know they are loved always. Medicine, down here we have what is called a " Gold Card" when you are 65, and the pharmacy costs are reduced, and when you get the the single person or family limit, no charge until the start of the following year. Retirement, you need to know it is not for a cissy, and you might well be working harder than before, or,,, maybe...; things just take a lot longer. The last certainly applies to me now. Fond hello from way far south of the equator.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely image and reflection. We are so fortunately here in the UK to have free medication when you retire and only pay a little for a prescription if not retired. Many thanks for all your previous comments, I appreciate them all. Recently I have been too busy for any commenting although by scheduling in my posts I am still able to post daily. Have a wonderful weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Dakota is a beautiful horse and reflection. It seems like the cost of everything is going up, our last food shop we could see the rise in the food cost. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

Brian King said...

Beautiful reflection!

Debbie said...

such a pretty horse and a gorgeous reflection!! i did not know that horses lived that long but i guess i never thought about it!!

my medications cost more than $ 10,000.00 per month but a few of the drug companies offer assistance in paying for them! i don't try to loose weight anymore, it just doesn't happen!!

thanks for recommending the movie, i enjoy true stories!!

Arkansas Patti said...

Dakota always makes me catch my breath. He looks so much like my Jesse who sadly only lived to 27. They are a joyful lifetime commitment.
Yes medicine can be a scary thing. I was completely healthy when I retired so I didn't get prescription insurance. Our health can change on a dime. Make sure you do get it for the prices are horrid now and will probably only get worse.

Tom said...

...what a beauty!!!

Sam I Am...... said...

Your horse looks great for 30 years old! My horse looked similar and lived to be 32. I just lost my 2 canine companions )both 14) this past summer and I feel the same way...I don't want to get any more as it costs a lot of money and I don't want them to live longer than me. But boy do I miss them! I'm 71 and I can't run around and train them like I used to.
I have RA and the meds just about bankrupted me! I have rid myself of everything that could aggravate it, I eat healthy (most of the time) and I stay active which is what saved me! I am now able to take a less expensive medicine and I am doing great. Selling meds is big business whether you need them or not. I refuse a lot of tests and procedures and pills that I don't feel I need. Get yourself lined up with holistic doctors who don't try and constantly give you pills. Also, don't complain about every little thing or they will have you on the operating table in no time! LOL!

Rose said...

He is a handsome horse....the way you feel about a horse outliving you, that is how we feel about cats and dogs...or just the trouble if one of us was to be in the hospital like Roger was.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is so beautiful. we were not going to get another dog, when the last of five died in Sept 2018 because bob is 83 and ill and I am 75 and we were also afraid the dog would outlive us.. we were so lonely we went with rescuing Big boy who was already almost 6. maybe you could rescue an older horse...I just hope one of us lives another 10 to 12 years. good to see you back on line. I lost 63 pounds and am wearing sweaters in Florida and have to wear one to shop in Walmart. never did that before.

Lowcarb team member said...

Such a lovely horse and I do like the reflection shot.
Yes, I have heard many bloggers complain about the high cost of medicine …

All the best Jan

Hootin Anni said...

I think of our kitty who will outlive us (of that I am sure)'s a scary thought, but companionship of the 4-legged kind keeps us 'bout adopting one at a rescue farm?...where they have continual care there? It's a thought.

Dakota is so handsome! And gorgeous image.

DeniseinVA said...

That's a great name for a horse and he's really beautiful! I hope one day that the pharmaceutical companies will get a heart and bring those costs down.

Sue said...

Dakota looks so fit and healthy, beautiful reflective photo! The medical issues in our country need a fix quickly!
Stay warm and cozy! . Thank you for visiting my blog,

Red Rose Alley said...

What a lovely picture, Terri. Your horse is a beauty. Thanks for the mention of "Togo." I'd like to check it out.

Happy February.


Connie said...

Beautiful photo, Terri! Yes, I agree about the price of medicine and medical care too. It seems to be worse with each passing day.