Friday, November 22, 2024

Foto Friday 12 ~ Photo Dump, Since I've Been Gone

Rare peaceful moment (no fighting) 

April 2024 Solar Eclipse

Little Man
We lost Dakota earlier this summer.  Man is finding his way as the last horse on the land.  I thought he would be lonely, but so far he seems quite content.  We've lost three since I have been blogging- Dakota, Grady and Jack.  

First crop in the new greenhouse my husband built.
The extreme heat we had this summer was a real menace, but most of the vegetables he planted did great! 

Finally got to see the Northern Lights, but only with the camera, not with the naked eye. 
Don't really understand that, but wow, they were pretty. 

Six weeks ago, I fractured my leg trying to get out of the boat.  Ruined a camping trip and it is  definitely one of the most painful injuries I have ever had.
I can finally walk without crutches, but the pain has not gone away.  I'm guessing after Christmas, maybe...I hope. 

A surprise visit this morning from an eagle.  Could possibly be the same one who has come around before, but it's like a yearly visit, so probably not.  Oh, gosh, I wish I had a better zoom lens!  

and finally...
I didn't realize I had been gone so long.  I've missed all of your blog posts and hopefully I can check back in.  
Have a great Thanksgiving week! 

Thankful for my family, and especially my husband who has gone above
 and beyond, taking care of me these last six weeks.  

sharing with Michelle for Thankful Thursday, and James for Weekend Reflections,
 Yogi for Skywatch Friday,  Eileen for Saturday's Critters,  Betty  for My Corner of the World, Mersad for Through my Lens


roentare said...

This is a majestic view of the predator bird

Anvilcloud said...

Happy TG. I hope the leg heals soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Sorry to hear about the fracture and prayers for that pain to move on off and leave you to walk again without pain. Condolences on Dakota and your other two horses. so very sad. I did not know cameras can see the lights when we do not. wow

Jim said...

Good shots

Shug said...

Such a gorgeous photo of the Eagle. So sorry about your fracture. Prayers that it will heal as it is supposed to, and that your pain will subside. it is always great to have a wonderful care taker...I am thankful that you do. take care and Happy Thanksgiving...

eileeninmd said...

It is nice to see a post from you! I am so sorry for the loss of your horse Dakota. And your fall, sorry to hear you are in pain. It is good you can walk without the crutches. Great captures of the Bald Eagle, the hummingbirds and the Eclipse. The Northern Lights are lovely, we saw them from our deck on Oct 10th. It is a treat to see them from your home. Happy Thanksgiving week to you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so sorry about your leg! Seems like it should not still be in pain. do you have painkillers? Wonderful eagle shot with the reflection!! And WOW, your eclipse photos are literally out of this world! And the Northern Lights!

Light and Voices said...

When my husband had troubles similar his doctor put him on Vitamin E for a month. My doctor recommended 500mg Magnesium and Jarrow Formulas B-Right. He explained that one stops the nerve pain and the one just soothes it for awhile. Hope this helps you through the holidays with less pain. I am not a doctor so you may want to ask your doctor. Each person has different reactions to herbs and vitamins and minerals.

Light and Voices said...

The eagle always stands so regal. Sending thoughts and prayers your way ...

Ann Thompson said...

So sorry to hear about the fracture. Sure does sound painful. Your eclipse and northern lights photos are awesome. What a fun sighting seeing that eagle.

photowannabe said...

So sorry about your fracture. Praying for complete healing and that the pain will go away too.
Sorry about Dakota..its hard to loose our creatures.
Love the photo of that majestic eagle.
Thanks for visiting my blog I appreciate it.

Michelle said...

I like your greenhouse set up. Is it heated? I have a small/new greenhouse, but no heat. Sorry to hear about your fracture. I hope you are able to get pain free soon. My husband just had extensive shoulder repair/replacement after a car accident and is also on the mend. Thank you for linking up and I hope to see you back again next Thursday!

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so sorry you fractured your leg, Terri. I hope it heals quickly, and you're in no more pain. So glad you saw the northern lights. I've always wanted to see them. aahh, little man is cute, and I hope he does well without any of the other horses around. And an Eagle is always a wonderful sight!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Red Rose Alley said...

ps.....forgot to mention the solar eclipse. That's so neat. : )

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I haven't heard of that, but I will surely check it out! I've been taking Alleve at night and just suffering through it during the day. I do take magnesium to sleep so that be what's helping at night. Thanks for the tip, I will check it out.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

No heat and no fan yet for the summer. I can't believe his summer plants didn't fry, but he did keep both ends open when it got over 90. This was his first season with it, and he has a lot more things to get...but hopefully soon.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice to have you back. Sorry about your leg, sending healing thoughts and prayers to you from Oklahoma. I'm thinking that I'm going to be doing a knee replacement somewhat soon and am dreading the prospect.
I love your photos, especially the eagle.

eileeninmd said...

I love the sweet hummers, I miss seeing them at my feeders.
Your Little Man is a beautiful horse. I am glad he is content and not lonely. Your greenhouse plants are looking good. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

James said...

Amazing photos!

L. D. said...

Fractures are just not a good thing, The healing seems to be so long term and then all of sudden your are through it. The eagle must be hunting for fish.

Lowcarb team member said...

I am sorry about your fracture. I hope it heals well and as quickly as possible so that the pain will go away.

All the best Jan

PS I enjoyed seeing your photographs

Tom said...

...sorry to hear about your leg, what a bummer!!!