Saturday, October 14, 2023

Sepia Saturday ~ Portraits


You are not country if you can't put your rocking chairs out in the field and pose for a family portrait. This is my great grandparents Earnest Luther and Harriet Cox Barrett, (sitting) with three of their children (from left Nona, Mark and Lela)  Lela is my grandmother.  

Carrying it one step further, bring out your dining chairs and pose in front of your barn, with your family cow photo bombing the portrait.  This is my half second great aunt (Emmer Jean Vann Ashley)with her husband (John Ashley) , and  four of her children. 
(Mama looks tired) 

Children: Otto (1903), James (1905), Flora (1908), 
Myrtle (1909), Zula Bea (1914), Lois (1919), & Earl (1922)

Portrait made after all  her children were born and some grown.  You may can tell the book that is being held is a family bible.  Same barn, same field. Notice Emmer's dress and Johns suspenders.  Same..probably her very best dress. 

John & Emma possibly on their anniversary. 

These are my people, and contrary to every belief that there is a king, queen, or Indian princess in every lineage, mine were and are just pure, hard working country folk.  I could not be prouder. 

sharing with Sepia Saturday, click on photo to see other posts

(I'm just a little off topic, instead of double, I did family)


Elephant's Child said...

What treasures to have. I never knew any relatives other than immediate family - and have no photos of others either. I am pretty certain we were all peasant stock though - and still are.

HappyK said...

It was lovely to see your old family photos!! :)

roentare said...

Nice series of throwback photos

Granny Marigold said...

I enjoyed seeing these old photos. You're fortunate to know who's who in them. Many of my old pics have ancestors no one can put a name to any more.
Granny Marigold

La Nightingail said...

The two fellows kneeling in the last photograph look like twins. Were they? They certainly look alike and appear to be the same size. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have recently recieved in the mail from my brother, vintage photos of family, mostly of my brother and me as small children. I love seeing old family photos, even of strangers. Emmer Jean looks to old to have those babies and then to have 4 more. I say your heritage is something to be proud of. America was born from people who struggled to feed and take care of themselves and others. I too am from the same stock as you are and proud of it. these are treasures. These old photos always make me happy I was not born during the days of their lives. not sure i could have had 8 children or done what they did

Anvilcloud said...

I like how they don't smile. I'd rather not, but Sue gets quite insistent, so I try. Sorta.

Monica T. said...

Portraits of people in their home environment really tell more of their story than studio portraits usually do!

Mike Brubaker said...

I've often come across old photos of families posed outdoors on a kitchen chair or a rocking chair. I think it was because back in the day chairs were too expensive to have for every family members. Benches were better for children. Grandma and Grandpa got the good seats. And like Emmer my great grandmother also had just one favorite dress that shows up in decades of photos of family events.

Red Rose Alley said...

These family photos are treasures. I liked to see all the clothes they were wearing back then. I used to be fascinated at my Mom's old black and whites. I would look at the pictures and wondered what their story was. These photos are wonderful.


ScotSue said...

You are so,lucky to have these group photographs - something I like in my own family history. I have a touch of genealogical envy!