Saturday, August 12, 2023

Saturday's Critters ~ 8/2023


Geese on the pond, and then I mowed too close
They were outta here!

The heat is relentless- I don't know why horses like to stand out in the middle 
of the field instead of getting under some shade.  Dakota (left) is 34 
and Lil Man is 23.  (Where is the time going?) Weve been carrying out watermelon
 in the evening for them as a treat.  Very surprised they liked it, but it is nice and cold. 

Out at the lake... the grey heron is waiting...I don't know what for, this one was definitely not even looking at the water. 

Yes ma'am,
It's hot!

Sir Heron, or Mrs, look at that cool water, right in front of you!  
You could at least dabble your toes a bit. 

Oh well yes, good decision, good decision! We watched this gator for a while and then he dove under and disappeared.  The heron just stared off into the distance like he didn't have a care in the world. 

And back home, these were recent visitors to our pond that my husband 
tried to photograph while I was gone to town. 
I have never seen them before. The closest look alike I could find online were
 the Tricolored Herons, but I don't know.  I haven't seen them again.  :(

Sharing with Eileen for Saturday's Critters


roentare said...

The horses look the best in the series

Elephant's Child said...

Beautiful critters. I hope that they (and you) get some relief from the heat. Soon.

Shiju Sugunan said...

The first four images are stunning!

eileeninmd said...

I love the geese in flight. The GB Heron looks hot, maybe he/she is scared of that gator. The birds in the last photo, do they have long curved beaks, they could be juvenile While Ibis. Great critter post. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

Debbie said...

your horses are beautiful...i did not realize they lived that long!! i see a lot of herons here. if i were a heron, i might stay out of the water too, i would think a gator could eat them!!

Anvilcloud said...

I'm glad our summer has not been overly hot for the most part. The AC has not been needed for the past couple of days, and it has seldom been required at ight.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Ohh, that gator is concerning. But you know they need to eat too.

I loved the silhouettes of your geese.

Jalanhoki said...

Nice thread to this content

Jalanhoki said...
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Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Really love the horses.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I don't think about YOU seeing alligators there! They are common here in Florida but I try to avoid them! lol I'm not sure about those birds...maybe little blue herons? Enjoy your week! It's HOT here too!

Henny Penny said...

What amazing, beautiful, pictures! I LOVE your horses! You have such a pretty pond with such an abundance of wildlife. And, the horses standing in the sun reminds me. Our one old duck waddles up hill from the pond these hot days and sits in the driveway or by the chicken lot. It would be so much cooler on the water. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You have a wonderful backyard -- horses, a pond ... birds. GBHs can stand perfectly still for the longest time, it just amazes me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did not know you have gators in AR. I think that is where you are. the heat here is relentless and will be for another 6 weeks. 4 storms are hovering, so we are in wait/see mode.
here in FL we have enough humidity to make the grass grow and we did get 3 five min showers this week. not enough but helps the grass.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful views around the lake. I didn't know there were gators in AR either. That's why I enjoy blogging, you live and learn through others photos. Thank you so much, I have enjoyed visiting.

Far Side of Fifty said...

The heron is trying to cool off! :)

Red Rose Alley said...

Those horses are beauties. And it's always nice to see a flock of geese. Their HONK is so loud, but it's nice to hear.


DeniseinVA said...

Great critter photos and your horses are beautiful!