Saturday, March 6, 2021

Sepia Saturday ~ Twos


I'm still going through family boxes, and I came across this photo.  Of course, like many others, there are no names on the back...nor dates.  I gather from the rolled up jeans the time is probably the 1950's.  I have photos with my mom and dad both styling like that.  I zoomed in to the coca cola sign to see if I could trace it to a time frame.  I never could find the exact ad, but again, think it is probably the 1950's.

 Since this photo was in an envelope full of obit clippings and Sutton photos, I think the two men are probably related to me, but I'll never know.  

Isn't it sad that so many of these unnamed photos are just lost over the years because no one bothered to label them?  In all my years of ancestor hunting I cannot tell you how many times I have heard this same story.  "My aunt left me all these photos, but none were labeled."  These are the ones that end up in a museum, or in flea markets.  

Sharing with Alan at Sepia Saturday. Click on photo for other Sepia entries. 


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Bob said it could be late forties even. He was born in 1936 so he should know haha you're right all these pictures they show what the times were like but it's a shame they don't know who they belong to

smkelly8 said...

Your photo wonderfully captures the time and place.

DawnTreader said...

I so wish my forefathers had been better at adding names and dates to the old photos...

La Nightingail said...

Yes, and I'm one of those who received a box of old photos with no names or dates of my husband's relatives on his Dad's side. Fortunately, one single formal portrait of two young women had one name scribbled on the front under one of the women and I was able to identify her in several other photos. I had to assume, since it was a studio portrait, that the other young woman with her in that one picture was her sister, so was able to tentatively identify her sister in other photos. Also fortunately, I had three photos of the family besides the ones in the box that WERE identified and managed to figure out who was who in a few other of the pictures in the box. But there are still quite a few for which I have no identification at all and some of them are wonderful pictures. What a shame. Whenever I take a photo out of one of my own albums to scan, I now carefully identify those in the pictures before I put them back in the albums!

Elephant's Child said...

I hear you. My parents kept very, very few photos and labelled none of them.

Anonymous said...

An oft repeated refrain! Sometimes we get lucky and can eventually identify someone, but not very often. It is an interesting photo. You wonder why it was taken in that time and place.

Arkansas Patti said...

Maybe someone reading this will recognize them or the place. Stranger things have happened.

Anvilcloud said...

They sure don't look happy, and the pumps are a higher model than I recognize.

Liz Needle said...

I know that feeling.. Mu great -aunts left several albums of photos dating back to the 1800,s. I have no idea who they were, but obviously close enough to the family for their photos to be kept in rather grand old albums.

eileeninmd said...

It is a cool family photo, it is a shame it was not labeled.
Have a happy day and a great new week!

Wendy said...

Unidentified photos is my lot in life too. My sister and I often joke that a picture of the two of us will one day wind up on a wall at Cracker Barrel.

L. D. said...

That is back when they just sold gas. Some of them had a pop machine inside and sold peanuts. They also filled the tank for the customer.

Debbie said...

such a great image!! i have heard a lot of people say that they have organized pictures during the pandemic. another great thing coming out of this time at home!!

Molly's Canopy said...

I love the inter-generational contrast of this photo: the older man in his sensible work clothes, the younger in a flowered shirt and immaculate jeans. Even without an identification, the presence of Sinclair gasoline pumps and Inland tire signs give it period context -- Sinclair was bought by Arco in 1969, so it definitely predates that. This prompts me to do a better job of labeling my own photos.

Red Rose Alley said...

This is a good reminder to label notes, photos, and even treasured items, Terri. My Mom was very good at this, and I appreciate it so much. This photo is very nice. I wish you knew if they were dear relatives of yours. These old photos are treasures, aren't they?


R's Rue said...

Beautiful photos.

Lowcarb team member said...

Great photograph, we have quite a few older family pictures that aren't labelled!

All the best Jan

Rose said...

I have some photos just like these...both of my own and ones handed down. But not many handed down. there are hardly any pics of any of us or our moms and dads. How I wish there were...they would be a treasure.

Rose said...

I tried leaving comments on several posts but they bounced back to me. It may have been because I had had the page open for days. Anyway, love this photo. I have some unlabeled photos from hubby's family. Our family just did not have many photos at all and I so wish they did.

Farm Girl said...

It is a cool picture. I have pictures like that too. Now that people who are gone it does make it sad.
I still like them though.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh yes,my sister-in-law has a big box of unlabeled family photos (as the oldest girl she got them from their grandma). We keep talking about how someday we’ll all get together and see if we can figure a few out, but everybody is in different states now and I am afraid that time will get away from us permanently.

Lowcarb team member said...

It is so important to label photographs isn't it.
Lovely photographs you've shared.

Sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Donna said...

I label my photos! No telling where they end up, these days...

Sally said...

Love this photo! My uncle bought me first Coca Cola (in glass bottle of course when I was about three so that was about 1945! I remember watching him stick his hand in the ice and pulling it out. He said, 'did you want one?' Yes!

Red Rose Alley said...

That is a cool photo. My mom, fortunately, used to label everything, so it was easy to identify who was in the photo. It's wonderful that you are going through family photos and you have an interest in that.
