Monday, January 27, 2025

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom, Zoom


Trying out my new zoom lens and it's looking like I am going to need a few lessons!  :)

First and biggest problem so far is seeing sharp through the lens, but the photo turns out blurry.  

Would be nice to see an eagle, but not today. 

Turtles doing what turtles do.  Look how smooth that piece of wood is.  Looks like this one is a favorite sun spot. 

And then the snow and ice came.  Enough already! 

Mother Nature was playing some wild havoc on people (and animals) this past fall and now winter!  

Little Man is not amused, but pretty happy about the extra grain and hay he's getting. 

Betty  for My Corner of the World, Mersad for Through my Lens Eileen for Saturday's Critters

Thursday, December 26, 2024

It's Not Over til the Chubby Lady Cleans


Well, the week started with rainy weather and ended with more of the same. It didn't slow anyone down though! I am thankful for that!  This was the scene after Charlie Brown movie night at church.  I love that little movie- but I was amazed to find out it is 55 years old!  I watched it when I was growing up and again when my children were little and now when I am a child at heart.  

The kids seemed to enjoy Cookie Night, and I am very thankful that I found more sprinkles in the freezer because one child decorated one cookie with an entire jar of them.  She was proud of that cookie too. 

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were both fun filled and loud!  Mark and I both were exhausted after everyone went home.  Well, he'll deny it, but I won't! 

I hope all who celebrate have and had a wonderful holiday season.  

Check out our Merry Christmas tiktok

sharing with Michelle for Thankful Thursday

Thursday, December 12, 2024

In the Christmas Spirit

Recently, we drove down to Carmela's Magical Santa Land in Longview, Texas. It was a great way to celebrate our 48th anniversary.  Oh, how bright the lights were!  

The drive is about a mile long, with a pullover along the way to grab a cup of hot chocolate, take a photo with Santa, and a short walking trail of lights if you please. 

It was just what my dragging spirit needed and I am thankful that there are folks out there who go to these extremes to liven up the holiday for kids of all ages.  She doesn't charge a fee, but does take donations at the end of the ride.  

Can you believe there are over 4 million lights in this drive through park?  WOW!  

I hope you all are having a good week and enjoying the holiday season. 

sharing with Michelle for Thankful Thursday

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Don't Fence Me In!


We drove to the lake the other afternoon and had to stop when we saw these buffalo up at the gate.  Once upon a time this was a big game hunting park, but I don't think so anymore  These buffalo look like they've been playing in the mud. 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for.  I'm getting back in the boat and I  still want to fish, and that surprises me!  My grandson was accepted into college- he's excited and so are we.  My kids seem to be doing well and are happy and healthy, and so are my grands.  The littles- Hadleigh, Olivia and Bo are just as cute as can be and are such a delight to their grandfolks! 

Yesterday, the dr gave me the all clear on my leg.  It's still sore and definitely not healed all the way, but I am motoring along! :)  If nothing else, this has shown me that I am not as resilient as I thought I was, but I still have a strong desire to be well and healthy.  It was sure a shock to my system to not even be able to walk!

Leaving you with my three greats...

Happy Thanksgiving! 

sharing with Michelle for Thankful Thursday, Eileen for Saturday's Critters and Betty  for My Corner of the World,